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Nov 3, 2010 - Update! R.I.P. Prop 19. We barely knew you.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Lamenting the loss of Prop 19

Not yet...

It is a sad day for not just Californians, but Americans everywhere.  As you have probably heard, Prop 19, the Regulate, Control & Tax Cannabis Act, failed to pass.  56.7% voted against it and only 43.3% voted for it. 

Many are blaming not anti-pot smokers, but current participants of the illegal marijuana industry.  Marijuana growers, specifically in areas such as Humbolt County, probably voted No because they would have their local industries destroyed by the passing of this legislation.  Similarly gang members who make a living distributing the substance, probably also helped keep the proposition from passing.  Another group that opposed the bill, unsurprisingly, were parents.  It seems advocates of Prop 19 focused on how much tax it would bring in for the state and neglected to inform people that it would also improve public safety.

Whatever, the reasons it is an unfortunate loss.  
However, now Colorado has the chance to be the first state to legalize marijuana.

In other bad news, Republicans win the House by what some consider a landslide victory.

The only good news?  Prop 23 failed!


  1. Well there's always next year I suppose.

  2. The proposition failed by a relatively small margin, and was able to enter the realm of public discourse in a serious manner. So, even though the law didn't pass, I think this is still a victory of sorts.

  3. Will there be another chance anytime soon?

  4. Cali Forn I A Let us down aye mate?

  5. thank god prop 23 failed. Tea-baggers taking the house = SAD TIMES

  6. It was a sad thing, but Needless is right, it was a small victory at least. It raised public awareness. I think once people realize how much revenue it would generate it will gain enough momentum to pass. Honestly I have more faith in CO than CA to pass this.

  7. I don't think people clearly understood the proposition. They just thought all the stoners were voting for it, so they probably voted no for that reason.
    I don't smoke and I voted Yes because it would eliminate drug dealers if they start selling it at gas stations and we'll be able to tax it. Obviously whatever we're doing now isn't work, so why not try something different? If it's really that bad and doesn't work they can just revert it like they did with gay marriage.

  8. eh, Prop 19 had a lot of holes in it. That and California tends to fuck up a lot of stuff it spearheads...so heres to Colorado!!!!

  9. Legalize It

    Well, better luck next time

  10. I never actually thought about marijuana growers and gang members opposing the proposition. It makes sense though.

  11. I have to admit that, while seeing and hearing this mentioned for a good long time, I never took the time to read up on exactly what prop 19 regarded. So I'm just going to ask, was it to legalize it all together, or just for medicinal use?

  12. Prop 19 failed because of the younger voters that didn't vote. They probably were stoned.

  13. Republicans dominating the hizzouse as usual. ZZZZZ

  14. Such a shame. It will be years before Cali gets another chance.

    But I always wondered what the Federal Gov't would do if it was legalized? They were busting medical marijuana dispensaries, so would they go around busting people for smoking or growing?

  15. Kewl story, bra! waiting for updates from you

  16. sadly not surprised :(

  17. lots of people upset about this haha

  18. wow man interesting. Sadly it failed :( but i was suprised at the ratio thou. damn close one

  19. i'm upset that prop 19 failed, but i saw it coming. i'm just glad that it got the issue out there.

  20. Hey buddy do me a favor, kindly click a link under Sponsor Link. I will do the same with you, thanks!!! Looking forward for this... happy blogging as well as more earning.

  21. Pretty pathetic how democracy works against rationalism and reason. It's completely contradictory that polls show an overwhelming support to increase taxes on cannabis, but oppose legalizing it. I swear I don't understand Cali... at all.

  22. I wonder if similar propositions will ever pass in other states?

  23. funny picture i loved it ;)
    a bear smookin weed :)

  24. Damn sucks man, I voted yes though

  25. i voted yes but expected it to fail. 2012 is the next chance CA will have i believe, but to my current knowlege, the 2012 proposition DOES NOT tax cannabis, which makes me think anyone who doesn't smoke will see no value in legalizing it.

  26. I didnt think about that. The people making cash now dont want to lose their business. dang.

  27. with or without law the smokers will smoke anyways

  28. :-\ its a damn shame

  29. Its about time the world copped on about this...
